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Hey everyone! My name is Harry [he/him]. I'm 25 years old (turning 26 in like a week or so) and I'm looking for a sharehouse in Melbourne's northern suburbs. In the search to find my next home, I'd say my biggest priority is a relaxed atmosphere where people feel comfortable and respected. It would be lovely to find a house with people that share these values and genuinely enjoy each other's company. I've got quite a bit of experience living in share houses and other communal living arrangements, so I've got a pretty good handle on the basic skills required to live harmoniously. These include: -paying rent/bills on time!! -respecting people's personal space -communicating openly -actively maintaining the house and participating in cleaning rosters A bit about me: I'm a Speech Pathologist by trade, which is something I am incredibly passionate about. However I am also re-entering the profession after a 7 month break (which was perhaps the single greatest decision I have ever made lol). On my off days I spend my time fixating on music, op-shopping, playing table tennis, climbing, cooking, going out to gigs and catching up with friends. As an individual I value spending time in my community, being environmentally conscious and generally trying not to be overwhelmed by how shit the world is sometimes Feel free to reach out if you like the cut of my jib. Thanks!


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