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helllo! I’m Kate, I’m 22 and moving from Sydney sometime in June. I’ll be studying a masters and looking for part time work when I’m there I’m new to the city so it would be great to be in a social household! I love gigs & bars/pubs. Also any place at all with a Persian rug I’m more than happy to do my part to keep the place going. I’m a clean housemate and appreciate making a place look and feel nice. Able to fend for myself with food and share a few dinners if that helps! I have a friend moving down to join me in December, so I’m also open to doing a team up and Facebook marketplacing/finding lovely bits of free furniture and setting up a home if you’re not staying for too long but want all the fun of designing a place feel free to send me a message if you think we’d be a good match :)
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