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How to Create a Productive Home Office in Your Share House



As remote work continues to gain popularity, many people are finding themselves working from home, including those who live in share houses. While working from home can be a dream come true for some, it can also be challenging, especially when trying to create a productive home office in a shared living environment.

Fortunately, with a little planning and communication, it is possible to create a workspace that meets your needs and helps you stay focused and productive. In this article, we'll share some tips for creating a productive home office in your share house. We'll start by discussing the importance of assessing your needs and space, and then we'll provide tips for setting up your home office, communicating with your housemates, and maintaining a productive routine.

By the end of this article, you'll have the tools you need to create a workspace that works for you, even in a shared living environment.

Assess Your Needs and Space#

Before setting up your home office, it's important to assess your needs and the space available to you. Consider the type of work you'll be doing and any equipment requirements you may have. It's also important to choose the right space for your home office. Look for a space with plenty of natural light and minimal noise.

Here are some tips for assessing your needs and space:

  • Identify your needs: Make a list of the equipment and tools you need to do your job effectively. Consider things like a comfortable chair, a desk with enough space to work on, reliable internet, and a computer that is powerful enough for your work requirements.
  • Choose the right space: Look for a space that is away from high-traffic areas in the house. Ideally, you should have a door that you can close for privacy. Consider the amount of natural light and noise level in the space.

If you find that your share house simply can't accommodate your needs for a productive home office, consider going to the office more or even a part-time or full-time coworking space. While it may mean an additional expense, the investment in a productive workspace can pay off in terms of increased productivity and better work-life balance.

Communicate with Your Housemates#

Living in a share house means you'll be sharing your living space with others. It's important to communicate with your housemates about your remote work needs to ensure a productive and respectful environment for everyone.

Here are some tips for communicating effectively:

  • Set boundaries: Let your housemates know when you'll be working and ask them to respect your workspace and time.
  • Discuss schedules: If you have housemates who also work from home, try to coordinate schedules so that you're not interrupting each other. If you have recurring meetings let your housemates know when they will be. If your calendar is all over the place then consider it with them directly.
  • Respect your housemates' needs: Remember that you're sharing the space with others, so be respectful of their needs as well.

Maintain a Productive Routine#

Working from home can be challenging when it comes to maintaining a productive routine. It's important to establish a routine that works for you and helps you stay on track. Here are some tips for maintaining a productive routine:

  • Set a schedule: Establish a schedule for your workday, including start and end times. Stick to this schedule as much as possible to create a routine.
  • Take breaks: Taking breaks throughout the day is crucial for maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout, especially with the rise of Zoom Fatigue. Take a quick walk, grab a coffee with your housemates, or stretch to help refresh your mind and body.
  • Stay motivated: Working from home can be isolating, so it's important to stay motivated. Consider joining online communities or finding other ways to connect with other remote workers.
  • Get sunlight: Sunlight exposure can help regulate your circadian rhythm, allowing you to have a more regular sleep schedule. It also has other benefits such as improved mood, increased vitamin D production, and better focus. Consider taking a walk outside during your breaks or working near a window to get some natural light.
  • Manage distractions: Distractions can be a major productivity killer. Consider learning how to use the focus mode on your phone or computer to block out distracting notifications.
  • Set a hard cutoff: It's important to set boundaries for your workday. Communicate with your team about your work hours and consider changing your notifications settings in tools like Slack to let your coworkers know when you're unavailable. Set daily rituals like packing your computer away, or going for a walk to signal the end of your workday. This is especially important in shared living spaces where it may feel like you never leave work.

Set Up Your Home Office#

Once you've chosen the right space, it's time to set up your home office. You want to create a comfortable and functional workspace that will help you be productive.

Here are some tips for setting up your home office:

  • Invest in quality equipment: You'll be spending a lot of time in your home office, so it's important to invest in quality equipment. This includes a comfortable chair, a desk that is the right height for you, and a computer that is powerful enough for your work requirements.
  • Consider ergonomics: Make sure your chair and desk are at the right height to avoid back pain and other ergonomic issues. You may want to consider a standing desk or an ergonomic keyboard and mouse.
  • Stay organized: Keep your workspace organized and free of clutter. Use file organizers and other storage solutions to keep your paperwork and supplies in order.
  • Consider noise-cancelling headphones: If you're sharing your space with others, noise cancelling headphones like the Apple Airpods Pro or Bose QC 45 can help you stay focused and block out distracting sounds.


Is it possible to create a productive home office in a small space?#

Yes, it's possible to create a productive home office in a small space. Utilize space-saving furniture such as a wall-mounted desk or a standing desk. Keep your workspace organized and free of clutter, and consider using file organizers and other storage solutions to keep your paperwork and supplies in order.

What are some common challenges of working remotely in a share house?#

Working remotely in a share house can be challenging due to distractions, noise, and other interruptions. It can be difficult to create a dedicated workspace in a shared living environment, and conflicts with housemates can arise if schedules and boundaries are not established.

Can I deduct home office expenses on my taxes if I live in a share house?#

If you work from home in a share house, you may be able to deduct home office expenses on your taxes. However, there are specific requirements that must be met in order to qualify for the deduction. Consult with a tax professional or visit the ATO website for more information.


Creating a productive home office in a share house can be challenging, but it's not impossible. By assessing your needs and space, setting up a comfortable and functional workspace, communicating effectively with your housemates, and maintaining a productive routine, you can create a successful remote work environment.

Remember, living in a share house can offer a social and affordable living option, but it's important to prioritize your workspace and communicate with your housemates to ensure a productive and respectful living environment for everyone.

Next post

How to Live Sustainably with Your Housemates



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